Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Loyalty
The number of US retailers offering free online returns dropped to 41% in 2019, down from 55% in 2018
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Loyalty
The number of US retailers offering free online returns dropped to 41% in 2019, down from 55% in 2018
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Loyalty
Retailers who are winning, do a great job of promoting their loyalty in paid search
Tagged as Best Practice , Digital Strategy
The graphic below represents eCommerce where “pills and surgery” are shortcuts and “lifestyle change” is doing things right
Tagged as Customer Experience Design , Customer Service
Most retailers have customer review functionality 87% of retailers DO NOT respond to negative reviews
Tagged as B2B , Customer Experience Design
Gone are the days where B2B digital lead generation and direct one-to-one engagement is dominated by desktop screens
Tagged as Loyalty
New research from UPS who surveyed 18,000 online shoppers
Tagged as Customer Experience Design
In 2013, 90% of all orders was "Home Delivery: in 2018 it's dropped to 70%
Tagged as Best Practice , Customer Experience Design
It's proven, if done right, a great "returns experience" increases conversion rates
The "Future of Retail 2019 report reveals 46% said they are more open to purchasing a big-ticket item compared to a year ago
Tagged as Customer Experience Design
If consumers understood the environmental impacts of fast shipping, they would choose a slower option