The new Consumer mindset is shaping. Since March 2020, retailers have been working hard trying to predict what the new consumer motivations will be. Now that COVID is shaping the new normal, research companies, such as Global Web Index (GWI), are working hard to identify the new trends that reflect the new mindset.
Global Web Index has recently come forward with new research showing the top motivators driving engagement and online buying behaviours. They are…
- Easy, relevant and intuitive experiences
- Free delivery offers
- Coupons discount offers
- Customer reviews
- Easy returns policies
What is of high interest is the same-day or next-day delivery offers are not as important. This change reflects multiple shifts in the consumer mindset…
- How they value time and money
- Their understanding of how delivering products on time is now harder – which is why they prefer reliable delivery promises instead of fast ones
- Their increased awareness of how fast delivery harms the environment
This research also called out the least popular things that drive engagement:
- “using a ‘buy’ button on social media”
- “entry into competitions”
The above two are important to acknowledge because this contradicts much of what business are hearing from Agencies regarding social and the use of competitions to drive loyalty and revenue.
The other important call out from the research is the consumer's unhappiness around live chat. This was emphasised. However, this is more of a reflection of the low standard of live chat experiences and the heavy use of chatbots that is stimulating this consumer sentiment.
Other more robust research is proving live chat to be a critical part of online buying journeys when actual employees are engaging with consumers: not robots.
This article was as tagged as Customer Experience Design , Customer Service