Lush UK is changing its use of social media. Have a look at a recent announcement from this retailer…
We have decided it’s time to bid farewell to some of our social channels and open up the conversation between you and us instead - social media is making it harder for us to talk to each other directly, we are tired of fighting algorithms
This is a great example of a retailer who understands how it wants to communicate to its customers.
Retailers want social channels to create communities, bring consumers closer to a brand, and drive commercial outcomes. However, this rarely occurs.
Some examples as to why….
- There is no science to driving social channels
- Retailers have lost sight of what consumers want from them via social channels (such as access to support teams)
- Facebook/Instagram has become too commercial, which means retailers are trying to drive ROI instead of engagement
- Posts (in general) do not produce personalised content
Social has become a crutch and an addictive drug for many retailers, thinking social is their connection to customers.
It's clear Lush UK does not feel this way and good on them!!
This retailer is the first of many who will make this move.

The image above has come from a recent post from Lush UK.
This article was as tagged as Customer Service , Digital Strategy