Greg Randall’s tips for 2019 - nail the basics

Read More about Greg Randall’s tips for 2019 - nail the basics

Working with hundreds of organisations over the last 16 years provides unique insight into what works and what doesn’t.

If I were to offer a single piece of advice to help businesses expedite their Digital/eCommerce evolution for 2019 (and beyond), it would be “NAIL THE BASICS”.

The draw of buzzwords and shiny new software toys professing to be the “silver bullet” takes the focus away on what's important to consumers.

Anytime a new software is used because its new is essentially "the tail wagging the dog". New investment and innovation comes from consumer needs not what's new.

So what does the “basics” look like?

This is a difficult to answer briefly, but some examples…

  1. Have all eCommerce pages adhere to best practice (read my books found at Power Retail)
  2. Fix page load speeds
  3. Enhance site search experiences
  4. Get business architecture right
  5. Get online support right (how good is your “live chat”)
  6. Align filtering to consumer buying
  7. Get data capture right and use it!
  8. Embark on experience design planning to deliver relevant experiences to consumer needs at scale

The ripple effect of doing a great job on each of the above will result in your business leaping ahead of competitors.

Less than 5% of businesses globally, do an amazing job of the "8 basics" listed above. This is not achieved because it's impossible, it's not achieved because its not sexy.

Take a step back, assess conduct on the above 8, and reset priorities accordingly.

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