"Google is not built for SEOs; it’s built for people": MOZ.
SEO’s around the world are having minor heart attacks with the recent changes Google has made to its algorithm which effectively removed “spot zero” (don’t worry for those who don’t know what this means – there are many articles on it).
While this is a big deal for SEO’s, it’s not for the consumer.
SEO agencies are feeling the pain because this change is affecting their clients which reflects poorly on their services. Don't become caught up in this noise.
Organisations need to pause and take a moment to address what Google wants from them. It's essentially only one thing…
do everything in your power to create amazing relevant online experiences
If you can achieve this, Google will reward you. The saying: “Google wasn’t built for SEOs; it’s built for people” has come from MOZ, an internationally recognised authority in SEO best practice.
If this is their mantra, it should be everyone's.
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