Omnichannel Retailing

In today's world where the customer is in control, successful retailer's and B2B's work hard to deliver an omnichannel offering.

Omnichannel retailing is the act of delivering experience continuity across multiple device types and physical touchpoints.

For Australian businesses, this is the most powerful and robust method to defend against international retailers and develop customer loyalty.

Greg Randall's experiences in developing and implementing omnichannel strategies for large retailers and B2B's gives him the ability to understand your business and its limitations.

From this, Greg will construct a strategy and phased plan to incrementally introduce phases of change to prove the concept to senior management and acquire ROI along the way.

Benefits of using Comma Consulting

Benefits of using Comma Consulting

  1. Greg Randall owned and operated a large successful retail operation in Canada.
  2. Greg has worked with hundreds of retailers developing their omnichannel presence.
  3. Greg has numerous success stories showing proven methodologies have delivered ROI.
  4. Greg has international experience in retail and eCommerce strategic planning.

Why is an omnichannel retailing so important?

The most profitable customer is a "multichannel customer": a customer who engages with you across your various touchpoints.

eCommerce does not and will never cannibalise physical retail sales. In fact it enhances and grows sales in-store.

Studies have proven, consumers who do not purchase online, research online before they go into a store to purchase.

Omnichannel retailing builds customer loyalty. Studies have proven customers are less likely to leave a retailer if he/she engages with 2 or more of your touchpoints.


If a consumer has a bad experience and only interacts with a single touchpoint, the consumer assumes this one bad experience will most likely occur across the other touchpoints.

However, if a customer engages with multiple touchpoints from your business, and has a bad experience from one touchpoint, they assume its a one-off because they have had good experiences from the other touchpoint(s).

The proof in the power of a omnichannel strategy can be seen with large online-only retailers moving into physical bricks and mortar: Casper, Warby Parker.

What others had to say

Testimonial by Rod McDermott CEO at Farmers Trading Company

"Big reason for our success!"

Greg Randall was a key part of the Farmers digital transformation. Greg provided guidance for myself and the executive team on how to take our retail strategy and translate it to the digital channel. Greg's deep knowledge of digital best practice and how to deliver great online experiences is a big reason for our success.

Rod McDermott
CEO at Farmers Trading Company
Testimonial by Catherine Scheider Omni Executive Levi's

"Greg's data-led approach, references best practice and resulted in a an actionable and comprehensive review"

Greg’s approach to coaching was enhanced by his depth of knowledge in eCommerce. His skill set covers not only frontend applications but also technical functionality. His approach is data-led, references best practice and resulted for our business in an in-depth and comprehensive review, that was highly actionable.

Catherine Scheider
Omni Executive Levi's
Testimonial by Jeremy Krause Chief Innovation and Disruption Officer Global Retail Brands

"Greg researches issues, articulates a plan and executes with efficiency, making him in a class of his own"

Greg is the ultimate superhero when it comes to understanding the world of e-commerce. His rigorous ability to research the issue, articulate a plan and execute with timeless efficiency makes him in a class of his own.Greg's detailed strategic review empowered the business to implement quick wins and determine a priority list to take our offering to the next level. His professionalism and global experience backed by the data, allowed us to set realistic goals measurable by a solid ROI.

Jeremy Krause
Chief Innovation and Disruption Officer Global Retail Brands