You are struggling to make decisions around how to invest in your eCommerce Channel for the following reasons...
- You are not sure what the experiences need to look like to drive engagement.
- You are not sure what the eCommerce priorities are to assist with a focussed investment plan.
- You are not sure what eCommerce Platform is the best fit for your business.
- You are not sure what other technologies need to be introduced (such as Marketing Automation).
Does this sound like you?
You are not alone. In fact, 90% of businesses around the world suffer the same problems.
The anxiety that comes from change in the eCommerce channel stems from the absence of Strategic Planning that must first happen.
This planning process needs to define (in normal business language) what the eCommerce channel must look and behave like in order to support and amplify business wide strategies.
Why is this important?
Research proves, the closer the eCommerce channel is to aligning to business strategy, the greater value it adds across the entire business.
For example, the business has weaknesses which can be eliminated with the right treatment of the eCommerce channel. But this only happens if a strategic approach to planning happens first!
This is what Greg Randall's Strategic Planning process gives you. A clear and concise commentary of what your eCommerce Channel needs to look and behave like to drive business wide growth.