The eCommerce Consulting Process

To evolve from a Digital Laggard to a Leader requires an eCommerce Consulting Process designed to activate the correct type of change.

"Forensics" is a term describing a proven scientific methodology used to solve such things as crimes and accounting negligence. This eCommerce Consulting Process is a forensic approach to solving the crime of poor-performing eCommerce channels.

Greg has perfected this process from over two decades of doing and working alongside top eCommerce specialists worldwide. This is what sets Greg apart.

Below is a high-level summary of Greg's process, which is consistently producing client wins. The process is summarised in 6 steps:

Step 1: Let's Get Strategic

Greg first engages with the C-Suite to understand the business-wide strategic pillars.

Research proves when an eCommerce channel is supports and aligns with strategy, it drives business-wide growth.

This step sets the tone for what the business wants from the eCommerce channel.

Click here to learn more about the eCommerce Strategic Planning services.

Step 2: Customer-centric Data Analysis

Once the strategic context has been set, Greg understands what the eCommerce channel needs to do to support growth. The next challenge comes in defining how close or how far the website is from the needs of the business.

Greg needs to analyse customer-centric data to determine the website's current state and compare it to the desired future state to achieve this clarity. This defines the gap between the two states.

Customer-centric data is data that enables the customer voice to be heard. It's data that captures customer behaviours and their pain points when trying to engage online with a business.

Step 3: Auditing the current eCommerce website

To further assist in defining the current state vs the future state and the gap between the two, Greg undertakes an audit of the current site.

Now that Greg understands the behavioural data and the pain points the site is creating for people, he knows exactly where to look on the website to find the issues.

These issues are documented to ensure the business understands why the current website version is underperforming.

At the end of this step, a document is produced defining all findings, the future state, and the short-term priorities that need to be activated as soon as possible.

These priorities form a Phase 1 change project that moves a business from laggard to leader.

Step 4: Customer Experience Design - the "Secret Sauce"

While every step of this process is "secret saucy" this step is the sauciest.

The previous three steps define the future state and short-term priorities.

Finding the issues and constructing a plan is one challenge; managing Vendors to bring this plan to life to the correct standard is an entirely different challenge.

This step accurately defines the Phase 1 Change Project: the short-term priorities.

This is where Greg creates the new Customer Experience Design plan. Greg is a specialist in this discipline.

Step 5: Phase 1 Change - Plan Execution

The customer experience design plan is defined by wireframing (see above). These wireframes are accompanied by a commentary that defines every nuance of every new page layout and is an elegant collision of business strategy, customer-centric data, and eCommerce best practices.

This document becomes the "Phase 1 Project Bible", defining everything required of all new enhancements that need to be applied.

In this step, Greg is the "Project Execution Police" ensuring every change is to scope and to the correct standard.

Because the enhancements are customer-centric, there are strict execution guidelines to which all eCommerce Agencies must adhere. Greg makes sure this happens.

Step 6: Monitoring behavioural data to drive future change

With new journeys and experiences come new consumer engagement behaviours that need tracking and defining.

Monitoring data once the new changes are live is necessary for the following reasons...

  1. It confirms ROI is being achieved.
  2. The business sees the impact of the "Process" in driving revenue increases.
  3. This new data informs decision-making for future changes and enhancements.

If you want to learn more about how the above process can impact your business, contact Greg on his mobile at 0477 723 474 or by email