eCommerce Business Coaching

eCommerce Business Coaching and Mentoring Made Simple

If you are a business leader or a Head of a Department seeking eCommerce mentoring/coaching, this specific service is designed for you and your organisation.

This form of eCommerce business coaching is highly customisable and agile. It needs to fit your specific needs because no two businesses are alike.

Listed below are some common ways other business leaders have benefited from having Greg Randall become their eCommerce Business Coach.

eCommerce Coaching - Strategic Planning

eCommerce Coaching - Strategic Planning

Many business leaders need an eCommerce Coaching service to help them strategically shift the online channel and specific parts of the existing business. However, these leaders do not want to rely on a consultant or an agency to make decisions.

This form of eCommerce Mentoring is where Greg Randall works closely with a specific individual within the organisation, enabling him/her to make all the decisions.

The benefits of this approach...

  • Greg leads and nurtures the strategic planning process to guide the right decisions.
  • The individual who collaborates with Greg Randall takes full ownership of all decisions, reinforcing their empowerment.
  • Through this process, the individual learns how to plan, ensuring the business's long-term success.
  • Due to the rigorous nature of eCommerce Coaching, there is a high degree of confidence these decisions are right for the business.
eCommerce Coaching - Auditing the eCommerce Channel

eCommerce Coaching - Auditing the eCommerce Channel

There are many common situations where an eCommerce Leader (or eCommerce team) have an existing eCommerce Platform that will not be replaced. However, they are still tasked with driving revenue performance from it.

These eCommerce Leaders do not want to be told by an agency the issues and changes required because they feel there is a bias. The Agency wants to charge the business for more design and development work.

What an eCommerce Leader truly desires is the ability to independently assess the issues and recommendations, ensuring transparency and control in the decision-making process.

This form of eCommerce Coaching empowers businesspeople to reach these conclusions independently through the guidance and mentoring provided by Greg Randall.

About Greg Randall - your eCommerce Business Coach

About Greg Randall - your eCommerce Business Coach

Greg Randall is a globally recognised eCommerce practitioner.

The term "practitioner" is used intentionally. Greg is not a consultant who uses fancy buzzwords and concepts to attempt to confuse business leaders.

Greg is committed to delivering tangible monetary results. He rolls up his sleeves and leads change in the online channel and businesses, ensuring revenue increases are achieved for every client.

Consultants who "cannot do" are a dying breed. Greg sets himself apart from these pretenders.

Greg's passion is to educate the business community about how the eCommerce channel can drive business-wide growth.

To learn more about how Greg can become your eCommerce Business Coach, call him on 0477723474, or email: