eCommerce Consulting Services

For the eCommerce channel to be successful and add value to the wider business, many moving parts must work harmoniously together.

To add value, an eCommerce specialist needs deep knowledge in strategic planning, Customer Experience Design, data mining, best practices, and project execution.

Greg Randall has a deep understanding of all the above.

Every service Greg Randall offers is customized to each client; however, below is a summary of the most common services offered. There are 4...

eCommerce Business Coaching

Greg is often referred to as the "Digital Bodyguard".

This is because he is always busy protecting and defending the business community from vendors who conduct themselves poorly.

This is why the eCommerce Coaching service is so popular.

Business leaders seek an unbiased view of what the eCommerce channel needs to look and behave like to drive performance.

This service enables Greg to work directly with key people in the business to collaborate and nurture the right decision-making.

Read more about eCommerce Coaching services

Customer Experience Design

Greg Randall helps retailers and B2B's align the way they sell to a manner in which consumers want to engage.

The closer the retailer can match how they sell to how a consumer wants to information gathering, the more the retail will sell products online.

Greg has developed a robust Customer Experience Design methodology from working with hundreds of retailers over 20 years and collaborating with the top experience design brains in the world.

Read more about Customer Experience Design services

Managing the RFP process

The RFP (request for proposal) process used to select eCommerce Platforms and eCommerce Agencies can be a complicated and high risk event if the wrong selections are made.

The days of creating eCommerce functionality lists as a method to pick a Platform and Agency are over. There are strategic-centric considerations that must be made.

Greg Randall collaborates with the business to create a strategic "eCommerce Needs Document" and manages the selection process on behalf of the business to ensure the right decisions are being made.

Get this wrong and the Replatform project does not achieve ROI and the entire eCommerce channel is set on the wrong trajectory.

Read more about the RFP Process

eCommerce Website Audit

Businesses who have a “gut feeling” their eCommerce channel is underperforming should trust their instincts.

The business challenge is uncovering the issues preventing growth. Greg offers a "Mini eCommerce Website Audit" for as low as $5k as an introductory offer.

Greg leads a proven data-driven process designed to uncover the issues. The business is provided with a concise document defining the changes needed to correct the issues, and conservative predictions are given to show the business the revenue upside.

And this document is written in "business language" designed for management to understand. No "geek" talk is used, ensuring a straightforward and easy-to-understand communication.

Read More on the eCommerce Website Audit service


Testimonial by Angela Lee Digital & Social Media Manager at Swanndri

"Key to our new success!"

Greg's ability to implement his strategic plan has been the key to our new success in the digital channel.

Angela Lee
Digital & Social Media Manager at Swanndri
Testimonial by Jeremy Krause Chief Innovation and Disruption Officer Global Retail Brands

"Greg researches issues, articulates a plan and executes with efficiency, making him in a class of his own"

Greg is the ultimate superhero when it comes to understanding the world of e-commerce. His rigorous ability to research the issue, articulate a plan and execute with timeless efficiency makes him in a class of his own.Greg's detailed strategic review empowered the business to implement quick wins and determine a priority list to take our offering to the next level. His professionalism and global experience backed by the data, allowed us to set realistic goals measurable by a solid ROI.

Jeremy Krause
Chief Innovation and Disruption Officer Global Retail Brands
Testimonial by Catherine Scheider Omni Executive Levi's

"Greg's data-led approach, references best practice and resulted in a an actionable and comprehensive review"

Greg’s approach to coaching was enhanced by his depth of knowledge in eCommerce. His skill set covers not only frontend applications but also technical functionality. His approach is data-led, references best practice and resulted for our business in an in-depth and comprehensive review, that was highly actionable.

Catherine Scheider
Omni Executive Levi's