About Greg Randall

Dr Anders Ericsson's research on becoming an expert has proven it takes 10,000 hours to achieve extraordinary performance in a specific discipline.

Greg Randall has over 50,000 hours (and counting) in eCommerce consulting services. Greg has been a full-time eCommerce subject matter specialist for almost 25 years.

Contact Greg for a chat by calling him on his mobile (0477 723 474) or email him at greg@commaconsulting.com.au. Greg will respond to you within 24 hours.

What Makes Greg Randall Different

There are many reasons why Greg is different from all other eCommerce Consultants...

#1. Greg worked with the world's top customer experience design consultants for 8 years. These are the people who worked closely with Jeff Bezos and Amazon.

#2. Greg founded the first full-service eCommerce Agency over two decades ago. This experience gave him a deep appreciation for development (coding) principles and eCommerce technologies.

#3. Greg's experience in his Agency gave him the expertise needed to bring his strategic eCommerce plans to life.

#4. Greg has a rare ability to analyse business and customer-centric data and use it to guide strategic decision-making.

#5. Greg has worked with hundreds of businesses globally and has consistently produced successes for his clients.

#6. Greg was a senior writer for Econsultancy for 6 years, the world's top Best Practice eCommerce publisher.

#7. Greg embarked on a 5-year research project where he wrote and published five eCommerce business books on how businesses can conquer the eCommerce channel.

Look below or click here to see what Greg's clients say about his work.

Greg Knows Retail

Greg Knows Retail

Greg grew up in the family retail business, and at the age of 26 took over the management and operations of the entire organisation which comprised multiple physical retail store locations and a distribution centre based in Canada.

This comprehensive exposure to physical retail provides Greg with a deep appreciation of a retailer's pain points in evolving the business in the eCommerce context.

The idea for calling the business "Comma Consulting" came from the names of his children, "Cole" and "Emma": "Comma". It's that simple; keeping things simple is Greg's ethos when working with businesses.

While many consultants try to confuse their clients, Greg does the opposite by demystifying the eCommerce channel.

Contact Greg for a chat by calling him on his mobile (0477 723 474) or email him at greg@commaconsulting.com.au. Greg will respond to you within 24 hours.